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Software development and IT services in Medical technology

Software development and IT services in Medical technology

Let us bring you closer to our expertise in the fields of pharmacy and medical technology and their possibilities. Medical technology is one of the most important subject areas when it comes to people's health and healing. Medical technologies are products, services or solutions used to save and improve people’s lives. It is not wrong to conclude that medical technology is with you from before you are born. It ensures you get the care you need in a way that is safe and minimally invasive. Due to ongoing digitization, the topics of software development and general IT services in the...

Koszalin Job Fair Follow-up

Koszalin Job Fair Follow-up

Another Job Fair in Koszalin behind us. Yesterday passed far too quickly!We did not expect such interest and open discussions on IT topics. Many of the participants had already heard positive opinions about us, which makes us very happy.We would like to thank the Koszalin University of Technology for the invitation and very good organisation of the whole event, and all the others for their interest, we are looking forward to such a great response. It looks like our team will soon expand with more ambitious, diamond talents.In the meantime, we are thinking about the next Job Fair in Poland......

Aras Community Event 2023 coming soon!

Aras Community Event 2023 coming soon!

Aras Community Event 2023 coming soon! We are more than happy to remind that we will take part in this conference on 2nd and 3rd May in Orlando as representatives and BRONZE SPONSOR of ACE 2023! In this connection, we encourage our Customers, Partners and every Stakeholder to take the opportunity and attend the conference as a one of a kind event with PLM solutions networking, trainings and business presentations about effective managing tools in use. More about ACE 2023 you can read in our latest publication: Complete summary of ACE 2023 can be found in the original...

Risk Management in Medical Device Development with ARAS PLM

Risk Management in Medical Device Development with ARAS PLM

The marketing and development of medical devices, involves risks and previously unidentified problems, regardless of the stage of the product life cycle. Designing, ensuring and certifying that there are devices that are safe for human interaction, whether in daily patient care, invasive or non-invasive procedures, diagnostics or research, requires in-depth assessment and anticipation of failures, which Risk Management makes possible.Capturing and assessing all risks is both difficult, time-consuming and error-prone, as many medical device manufacturers today depend on traditional, paper-based risk management processes.Failure to properly identify and mitigate risks can result in product failures related to inadequate documentation, or product...

We are at the 20th Central Pomeranian Job Fair in Koszalin, Poland

We are at the 20th Central Pomeranian Job Fair in Koszalin, Poland

We are more than happy to invite you to our 32nd stand. Find out more about us and our opportunities, discover how we can support your career development and what you can learn from the experienced colleagues in our international team.Our HR Manager will tell you about possible forms of employment (including an internship programme) and terms of cooperation. The representatives will answer your questions regarding working in project teams and how you can spread your wings as a Tester, Software Developer, Project Manager or Consultant, among others.Meet us on:13 April, 10:00 - 14:00Sports and Entertainment Hall Koszalin 4 Śniadeckich...

Wir sind BRONZE SPONSOR auf der Aras Community Event 2023

Wir sind BRONZE SPONSOR auf der Aras Community Event 2023

Das Aras Community Event 2023 ist eine ideale Gelegenheit, sich mit zukünftigen Technologietrends zu befassen und sich über effektive Werkzeuge für das Management in der heutigen Welt der Herausforderungen und des unaufhaltsamen Wandels zu informieren. Darüber hinaus ist es ein geeigneter Rahmen, um sich über den praktischen und vor allem effektiven Einsatz von PLM-Lösungen zu informieren, die die Unternehmensleistung deutlich verbessern und Unternehmen besser auf die kommenden Herausforderungen vorbereiten können.Genau am 2. und 3. Mai werden wir in Orlando, FL, nicht nur als Vertreter von, sondern auch als BRONZE SPONSOR der ACE 2023 an dieser großartigen Veranstaltung teilnehmen!Wir möchten...
