Good to know! Useful information about online shop features

As already mentioned in our blog "Why do I, as a retailer, need an online shop?", it is quite advisable in times of the pandemic to consider opening an online shop. This brings many advantages, above all the possibility of a larger market presence. Of course, this does not only apply to retailers! The world is changing and digitalization is progressing. To stay up-to-date, one has to deal with this topic sooner or later. The opening of an online shop is just one of many steps.

This step is easily made, should all doubts have been cleared and one has decided for an online shop.With this blog post, we want to alleviate some of these doubts by introducing you to Shopify's online shop features that relate to the biggest questions before opening such a shop.

Safety first!

One of the big questions that can prevent one from opening an online shop is the question of security. After all, important information must be provided, such as bank details, which have no place in the wrong hands.

One thing that you can easily implement yourself and that we generally recommend for all matters involving sensitive data is the generation of different, non-traceable passwords.Use a different password for each page, which consists of a mix of uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and special characters and has nothing to do with your personal life.

For additional security of your account, online shop providers like Shopify offer the so-called two-factor authentication. This requires a second security question to ensure that no stranger accesses your account. There are different options for this second authentication step: It can be a personal question, the answer to which you have previously verified, or a one-time, time-limited code that is sent to your email address or phone after entering the normal password. You will then be asked to enter this code into a designated field.Biometric security codes, such as fingerprints, are also possible as a second authentication method, should you have the technical means for it.

In addition, Shopify checks for stolen data on your access information for your online store after a hack attack on another source. If your data is found on these lists because you used the same password, access to your store will be immediately blocked and you will be asked by email to change your access data to prevent a possible attack on your account.

Furthermore, your account will also be blocked if Shopify notices unusual activities. Then you will be informed by email about these activities and asked whether it was you or not. If not, you will also be asked to change your access information.

If your account is locked for any security reasons, you can simply contact customer service to reactivate your account.

Your payment and customer data are protected with the same standard that banks use to secure your data! Your customers can tell from the URL of your online shop that an SSL certificate is being used and therefore know that your shop is safe.

If you're now wondering, "That's all well and good, but how do I set this up?", we can reassure you. Shopify provides a step-by-step guide for each of the mentioned authentication methods. In addition, we are happy to assist you in setting up your account.

Payment Methods

Thanks to the aforementioned security measures, all types of payment options are secured. It is entirely up to you which payment methods you wish to offer. The common payment methods are already integrated into "Shopify Payments". If you want to add your own payment methods, you can do this by activating known methods via Shopify or creating individual methods yourself. This makes it possible to offer cash payment upon pickup in the store.

Payments are processed by the merchant via one or more credit cards specified by you. As in regular commerce, some payment methods incur costs for the merchant. These costs depend on the Shopify plan chosen.


If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact us!

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